The North Tour included private wildlife gardens in Cape May Court House, Goshen (including my own garden), Dennisville, Eldora, South Seaville, and Ocean View.
You can also see gardens that were included on the Mid-County Tour and on the South Tour.

I loved your North Butterfly Garden Tour last week. The home owners were so gracious and happy to show us around their treasured plants. I’ve looked at all of the sassafras trees on my property and did not find a single folded leaf but I’ll keep looking. What was the name of the butterfly that lays it’s eggs on Lamb’s Quarters? Also, the name of the lacy, tall, red salvia at the first garden by the porch?
Hi Marian, GREAT to have you on the tour! And YES aren’t the gardeners a terrific bunch of sharing people! Sorry you haven’t found Spicebush Swallowtail caterpillars on your Sassafras. Don’t give up . . . you’ll find them. Common Sootywing lays its eggs on Lamb’s Quarters and that’s the one we saw doing just that, but Hayhurst’s Scallopwing also lays their eggs on Lamb’s Quarters. The tall lacy red salvia in the 1st garden by the porch is Salvia subrotunda.