Please bookmark our NEW website, “Pat Sutton’s Wildlife Garden.” A technical wizard and wildlife habitat savvy friend helped me set up my new website. Thank you Bob. For those of you who do all your work on a smartphone, this site is smartphone friendly.
Be sure to read about “Our Wildlife Garden.” It will help put my passion and this website into perspective. For 4 years (2011-2015) I was a proud Team Member of Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens, a website that is no longer available. I will be updating and posting anew here a number of the posts I wrote for that site. I look forward to posting more regularly now that I have complete control over my website.
This new site is a work in progress with much I still want to do with it, so stop back often to see it unfolding.
Our OLD website, “Pat and Clay Sutton,” disappeared on February 5, 2017 (on that date I could no longer access it). I did not own my old domain name or site where it was housed (a friend originally set it up for me), so as a forum it was unstable and I had to start over. Today, April 12, 2017, I just followed a link to our old website and strangers have shanghaied it and filled it with JUNK posts. YIKES!
Can you please contact me?
Cindi Berry
[email protected].
(609) 247-1129
I want to be plant indigenous perennials in my shaded yard. Help! I need advice and I want to plant now in the fall.
Hi Cindi, I sent you a meaty reply to your e-mail address with lots of attachments and info. Pat
Hi Cindi,
I sent you an e-mail with lots of links and attachments to help you with your shady yard. Good luck, Pat